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Unemployed? Please Apply!

On average over the past few months the Burke County Employment Security Commission has had around 120 job listings posted at any given time. The organization is a great place for job seekers to begin their search, so we are sharing some information from Manager Chuck Brown about the types of jobs the ESC has available right now and how you can apply! According to Brown the average number of job listings, 120, actually represents around 140 or 150 openings and the types of positions listed with the ESC vary greatly. “I like to tell people that we have every type of job available. Maybe not from A to Z but definitely from A to Y, from Accountant to Yard Service,” said Brown. “The job listings we have really span the spectrum of every type of position here in Burke County, from manufacturing to service sector jobs and everything in between.” While the skills required for the various job listings differ greatly, the office has consistently had listings for upholsterers and advanced machinists in recent months. “We’re putting a lot of people to work,” noted Brown. “But we would certainly like to make more job referrals.” The average time that it takes to fill a job varies depending on what skills are required for the position, according to Brown. An administrative job can be filled in as short as a week and many companies receive as many applicants as they need to fill a job in just a few days. The local Employment Security Commission office is located at 720 E. Union Street and is open from 8:30-5:00pm Monday through Friday. Job seekers can reach the ESC by calling (828) 438-6161 or can begin their search on the web at www.ncesc.com.


Burke Development Incorporated, BDI, is a nonprofit 501c3 organization supported by private and public funding that is charged with accelerating economic growth in Burke County. BDI works with industry leaders, site selection consultants, existing businesses, government agencies and other entities to promote growth, innovation and sustainability in Burke County. For more information about BDI visit www.BurkeDevInc.com.

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