Burke Development Inc. (BDI) Reissues Broadband Request for Proposals
Burke Development Inc. Desires to Engage Internet Service Providers to Provide High Speed Internet To Portions of the County
For Immediate Release
BURKE COUNTY, NC (November 30, 2020) – Burke Development Inc. (BDI) is reissuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for qualified Internet Service Providers (ISP) on a project to expand high-speed internet in Burke County. The Appalachian Regional Commission approved a $100,000 grant to BDI earlier this year to assist with the expansion of service in the county. This proposal is for service providers that can use these funds to expand service into unserved or underserved portions of the county.
The RFP requests that providers respond by December 30, 2020 (5PM). The responses will be reviewed and per the guidelines set up in the RFP a partner will be selected. The ISP that is selected then will have 12 months to complete the project. We will be looking for a partner that will provide the greatest amount of coverage for the largest section of the population. The applications will be graded based on the provider’s ability to complete the work in twelve months.
To view the complete Request for Proposal (click here)
To view the complete Burke Broadband Survey Data report (click here).
About Burke Development, Inc.
Burke Development, Inc. (BDI) is a nonprofit organization supported by private and public funding that is charged with accelerating economic growth in Burke County. BDI works with industry leaders, site selection consultants, government agencies and other entities to facilitate expansion strategies for existing businesses and recruit target industries to Burke County. For more information about BDI visit www.BurkeDevInc.com.
Alan Wood